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To whom we address


The oil, the virgin olive oil as it is named is put into categories (regular, fine, virgin, extra fine etc) not according to its colour and taste but mainly of the acids it contains, translated into olive acid. The lower the olive acidthe betterthe quality of the oil. We are aware of the fact that you are going to read similar labels of oive oil in abundance in Supermarket shelves, that you are going to be talked into by your acquaintances and you are going to hear lots of opinions about the price of the olive oil in terms of its quality.

Hoever , what you don’t know is where the olive tree , who has been taking care of it, who gathered the oil and who smiled happily when first tasted this green gold oil “sent by God” to us.

Perhaps for the customers with high demands this makes the difference.

And to those we address.

To the parents who want to know about the olive trees plantation that raises healthy children.
To the families who want to take care in the best way the table of their beloved ones.
To patients who need to have excellent nutrition duo to heart, cholesteron, diabetes problems they face.
To those who know how to take good care of their health with top quality products.
• To restayrants and taverns that want their customers always to be satisfied.
To the hotels who want to stand out for the services they provide.
• To the market abroad, to those who didn’t have the chance, so far, to taste food cooked in extra virdin oilive oil and its beneficial characteristics.


Contact Us
+30 6983 5 11898
+30 2721 0 82483

Georgiopoulos Panagiotis


" “I’m blessed by God

And I am full of progres.

I am the olive the honored. "



Our olive groves are located in Androusa and in Katsarou in Messinia. This region is a protected one. All our products are coming from organic farming and are certified by “dionet” with respect to the environment. They are the best products coming from Messinian land.




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